Thursday, April 08, 2010

Free e-books

Free e-books

The Convention


This book is not about religion. It is about people. Religion only helps to tell the story about the people in it. Sometime in the not-too-distant past, there may have been a defining moment in your life when situations either came together or completely fell apart. It may have been a marriage, a career or something else; however, when something bad happened, either you chose to accept it or you attempted to overcome it. This is what happens to the two main characters in the story you are about to read. They choose the latter. They attempt to overcome the bad things that happen to them and subsequently they have their defining moment together. They are married to each other and they want to do well in their jobs in order to have respect both in their careers and in their church. Instead, jealousy and rage confront them. They must either succumb to the blind and selfish ambition of others or figure a way to overcome those situations and succeed amidst denominational politics and deception. They are deeply involved with the people and issues that most denominations face today. Is this a stretch? No. The real problem in this story is how these two people meet and handle the defining moment in their lives as the bad behavior of a few persons challenges them. You must remember, however, even though all the characters in the story are fictitious, they are still people of God who have had their defining moments.

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