Thursday, March 04, 2010

Free e-books

Free e-books

Living Life with Constant Energy and Bliss


Comprehensive guide which blends science, spirituality and psychology, bringing the reader on an adventurous journey through a detailed process of being a living conduit of love energy. It begins with a thorough and scientific explanation of the two basic forms of energy (potential and kinetic) and how everything in the Universe works within these forces. It then discusses our own unique ability to tap into an already existing energy force, how to increase the quality and frequency of energy we emit on a constant basis, and how to go about doing this via a process of self love and healing.

Infinite Exposure


Infinite Exposure is a work of "faction". It uses historical facts along with current news events to tell a story with a timeline from post 9/11 until the start of nuclear war in 2012. This is a promotional version containing the first 18 chapters.

The Retro Express


Painless history aboard an Imaginary train that goes into the past. It gives older people something to talk about and remember, and informs young minds.

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