Saturday, February 05, 2011

Free e-books

Free e-books

The Danger of Psychic Attacks


Using the power of the mind to propel dark energy is a serious phenomena which can seriously affect your health, money and relationships. Psychic Attacks, can seriously cripple your total wellbeing. Right now you are probably under attack and although your better judgment is telling you so, you dismiss it out of fear. Knowing what an attack is, why it is send and what to do about it can empower your life. This book contains stories of people who encountered some form of a psychic attack and how it affected their lives.

Your First Steps In Internet Marketing


This is a newbies guide to making money using the internet. A step by step approach backed by priorities and resources are presented in an easy to read manner. Your progress from steps 1 to 5 is made clear so you know at any time where you stand and what to do next. For the curious, step 1 is 'before you have even purchased your domain name', and step 5 is 'when you are making $10,000 and more from your online business'. The book has full-color images of screen-shots and charts that show you how to make progress. The author is also easily accessible for query and comment.

Arrive At Success


"Arrive At Success" is a novel that takes the reader into the psyche of a successful networker. It goes behind the scenes into the world of network marketing... and in a gripping narrative style reveals orbits of influence that even insiders of this industry often never reach. This book is a must-read for anyone looking at the network marketing industry even with the least amount of seriousness. Some of the author's experiences could impact your mind once and forever. Written to be read and re-read, Arrive At Success is a treat with inspiring stories, quotable quotes, quips and usable one-liners. But more than that, it is a treatise about how mental programming and consciousness development pave the way for eventual success.

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