Friday, April 08, 2011

Free e-books

Free e-books

Tomorrow's Science Today


'If a complete unified theory was discovered, it would only be a matter of time before it was digested and simplified - and taught in schools, at least in outline. We should then all be able to have some understanding of the laws that govern the universe and are responsible for our existence.' ('A Brief History of Time' by Stephen Hawking, Introduction by Carl Sagan) So let's see what can be written when we we throw away everyday tradition and conformity, let our imaginations fly (while trying to stay grounded in science and technology), and all gain "... some understanding of the laws that govern the universe and are responsible for our existence. (This is not science but tries to avoid mathematics and measurements, focusing on the broad outlines of natural...

7 Crucial Tips for Parents and Teachers of Children with ADHD


A book which may help improve the life of children with ADHD everywhere. Valuable, timely tips for parents, teachers and professionals. This eBook is also a benefit to adults with ADHD, their partners and family. Read it and pass it forward.

Wednesday, April 06, 2011

Free e-books

Free e-books

Buffalo Lights & Taos Soul: Eight of the Best


True tales of life in northern New Mexico. Most sample ebooks just give you the first few chapters, but this FREE ebook features eight of the very best stories from BUFFALO LIGHTS: Revised Edition, and TAOS SOUL: Love Stories, Heroes, and Wild Adventure. About 7,500 words.

Rapid Review Riches


Learn how to tap into the power of product reviews with this complete review writing strategy. You will learn how to set up a review blog, pick products, and write high converting reviews in no time!

How to Write Your Own Killer Sales Letter


In this manual, I show you how you can write your own sales letter that kills without having to spend tens of thousands of dollars in engaging a copywriter to have the task done for you. Learn the true concept about writing the sales letter that kills; Learn how to format your sales letter; Find out how to write a persuasive headline and discover the 5 types of headlines that professional writers use; Learn how to write the body your sales letter, from the moment you introduce yourself until you press to close the sale; Discover the main important questions you MUST answer well in order to close the sale; Discover the ultimate answer to the age-old question: long letter vs. short letter; Pick up the good points and tested strategies as demonstrated by multiple case studies featured in this manual; Discover the hot words and buttons to press and tap into the emotions of your prospect.

Tuesday, April 05, 2011

Free e-books

Free e-books

Blog Profits - Insider Secrets


Welcome to the world of profitable blogging, where you will be able to create websites that are monetized from the very beginning, while being thoroughly optimized for top search engine ranking. With just a few clicks, you can instantly install a blog and begin to add in high quality content, to attract subscribers and prospects from various niche markets, and because of the fact that Wordpress is a free open source platform, your overall costs are limited to only needing a domain name and a hosting account.

The Winter Wellness Diet: How to use the cold to fire up your metabolism and melt the fat away!


Simple and easy to use information for making healthier choices. Our bodies operate effectively under stress. Whether it's the cold of winter or the heat of summer there are basic metabolic principles we can exploit. Properly utilized, the winter cold and summer heat will help us naturally lose weight and be healthier if we understand why. Tired of hearing about diet plans and doctors that sell you their own line of products for ridiculous prices? This book actually gives you understandable information about eating a better diet, exercising more efficiently and understanding how your body really works. I put my heart into making this a fun and easy read. Included is information you'll never hear from your doctor, awesome recipes and even some cool companies to learn about.

1 Hour Payday - Your Guide to Instant Cash!


Exclusive report reveals the powerful strategy to generating instant cash 24 hours a day, & 7 days a week! Save time by joining these pre-approved high paying instant commission programs! The top programs for some of the hottest niche markets online! How to build powerful marketing campaigns that will skyrocket your income, instantly! The fastest way to find 1,000's of other instant commission programs online! How to set up your affiliate system for maximum success, even if you're a new marketer! And Much, Much More!

Mothering Yourself


How to Care for Yourself and be a Better Mom. It's time to commit to YOU and live a happier life and be a better mother! Schedule the 10 commitments and get in control of your life; confront hidden emotions; get a relaxed mind, body, and spirit; feel good about yourself everyday; spend meaningful time with your children; save or renegotiate your marriage; enjoy meaningful friendships; turn contentment into excitement; have some fun; see how using your talent to serve others can change you life!

The E-Entrepreneur Success Mindset


Everyday out there in the real brick and mortar world, millions and millions of people drag themselves from the warm, warm beds, take a shower, grab a cup of coffee, and head off to their jobs as they are thinking that there has got to be an easier way to make a living. Learn how with "The E-Entrepreneur Success Mindset"

Jewels From Heaven


Poems that were written for your encouragement. God loves you and has done so much for you. Read a little bit of the jewels God sent from Heaven to you.

My God Comes To You


Is god REALLY that omnipotent you ask? My God is. How do I know this? Because even when I thought it was me doing the searching, the grasping, the believing in, and the harnessing up of faith, did GOD come to me and say: We are both excited. And I have been hurrying your way as well. I am with you. Even when you cannot find the strength to climb another rung to me, I am hurrying down the ladder to be with you. For I am not a wholesome, loving God unless I am willing to come down to your level and get you, because I Totally, in all aspects of My Name As God, LOVE YOU!

Smart Travel Online: The Noob Guide to Online Marketing


Get me to page 1 of Google, while emailing our customers a bi-weekly newsletter, engaging influencers on Twitter, maintaining a captive Facebook audience, capturing new leads, and putting out 3 blog posts a week. Yes. Familiar? Definitely. Everything a Non-Marketer Needs to Take a Business from Zero to Hero Online.

Bible Prophecy and End Times


Do you want to understand what bible prophecy predicts concerning end times, without having to get bogged down in huge books, absurd speculation or rigid denominational arguments? This book has been written for evangelical Christians who want to cut through all that and just see what the bible clearly teaches. It also recognises the limits of what we can know in advance and allows for flexibility in areas that are not completely clear from the word of God itself. Written after many years of wrestling with scripture and different viewpoints this book aims to provide the most condensed account possible of the interpretations that fall most naturally and easily out of the bible.

Free to be Creative at the Piano


Have you ever wanted to just sit down at the piano and play what you feel? Without worrying if it's good enough or if you have enough 'talent?' Edward Weiss, author of "Free to be Creative at the Piano" says you can!